Small Business & Non-Profit Offerings

Though I primarily work with brands generating at least $5M in annual revenue, I have 7+ years of experience helping small businesses, brands and non-profits with their marketing and fundraising strategies, if you are currently operating on a more limited budget.

Current Offerings

1:1 Office Hours

In need of help with your marketing strategy but aren't sure where to focus on or what to invest in first?

Let's get together for an hour to get your questions answered, help you find clarity and define next steps.

In this two-hour strategy session, we will take a deeper dive into your business and work through ways to give you clarity around marketing strategy in a way that gets your closer to achieving your goals.

Marketing Clarity Session

Monthly Marketing Retainer

Depending on my current workload, I offer 3 and 6-month marketing leadership retainers for non-profits and businesses currently generating under $5M in annual revenue. Book a time with me below and we’ll discuss further.

Investment Starts at $1,500/month